



There are number of commercial institutes across the country imparting training to aspiring candidates of competitive examinations, whose main aim is to earn profits by charging exorbitant fees & making false promises.

Very few institutes in the country are interested in the welfare of students. JACE is one such institute where fees are nominal for coaching and boarding & lodging by K.V.V.S., which is seldom seen elsewhere. The main aim of JACE is to promote meritorious students of the community, especially from rural background into the main stream by inculcating leadership qualities. With this vision in mind, K.V.V.S. has constituted JACE with the sole objective of empowering the rural youth to express their full potential to face the competitive examinations on a par with their city counterparts. “Work is worship” (kayakave kailasa) the famed preaching of Shree Basaveshwara is the logo of this institute.
